Our dental restrictions have lifted! 👏🏼
This means we are open and safely treating patients for our FULL range of dental services!
Rest assured, our team are still upholding the highest levels of infection protocol for your safety and ours 💙
Our COVID-19 infection protocol includes:
* All patient areas are disinfected regularly throughout the day
* Hand Sanitiser Bottles are located in the Waiting Room area
* Hand Sanitiser is dispensed at the end of every appointment for every patient
* Magazines and Toys have been removed from the Waiting Room regions and more…
We are also well stocked up in important dental items such as masks, gloves and materials to ensure we continue to be fully equipped to assist our patients to the highest standards they have all come to expect.
To book an appointment, give us a call on (03) 5744 3484 to book an appointment today. We are excited to see you!