⭐️ Victorian Dental Restrictions Update ⭐️
The Victorian Government & the Australian Dental Association has confirmed that dentists are to limit our services & all non-urgent dental services must be deferred, from tonight until at least Thursday the 3rd of June. Our Yarrawonga & Cobram practices are therefore restricted, however, Corowa (NSW) is OPEN & operating as usual.
Urgent dental treatment refers to:
👉🏼 Swelling
👉🏼 Facial trauma
👉🏼 Dental trauma
👉🏼 Significant & constant pain
If you are experiencing pain or have a dental emergency, please call us. Thank you for your understanding & we hope you are all staying safe!
Yarrawonga 📞 (03) 5744 3484
Cobram 📞 (03) 5872 1933
Corowa 📞 (02) 6033 1813
💚 Be well, keep safe and stay healthy!